Classes Resume
Posted on Jan. 5, 2018Happy New Year!!! Classes resume Monday, January 8 @ 8:30am!
Wishing all of our families blessings of love, joy, warmth and peace. Happy New Year!!
The 4th Sunday of Advent symbolizes Peace with the "Angels' Candle" reminding us of the message of the angels: "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men."
Christmas break runs from December 22 @ 2:55 pm - January 8 @ 8:30am! Enjoy the holidays! Remember there is no after school care on Dec 22.
The 3rd Sunday of Advent symbolizes Joy with the "Shepherd's Candle" reminding us of the Joy the world experienced at the coming birth of Jesus.
Please join us for our Advent Mass @ 11:00am Tuesday, December 12 in the gymnasium.
The 2nd Sunday of advent symbolizes "Faith" with the "Bethlehem Candle" reminding us of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.
No school for students on Friday, December 8. Teacher Institute Day.
Advent means "Coming" in Latin. It is a period of 4 Sundays in which we prepare for the arrival of Jesus. We light the first purple candle symbolizing "Hope" with the "Prophet's Candle" reminding…
Reports will be emailed home on Thursday, November 30, 2017. Please remember to book your student led conference online. Go
Congratulations St. Ben's!!! Thank you to everyone that participated in our recent fundraisers!! Together we raised: Purdys Chocolate - $2225.00 Spirit Day - $248.50 DFS - $2513.00
The Scholastic Book Fair rides into St. Ben's Dec 6 & 7 from 11:00am-7:00pm!! Let's saddle up and get reading!!!!
Wednesday, November 15 is Sports Fan Day! Wear your favourite jersey or sports memorabilia! Popcorn will be available to purchase for $1 /bag.
WOW!! Through the Indigo Fall Fundraiser $1990.00 was awarded to our school for books towards our library!! READ, GROW, KNOW
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour this weekend! It's also a great time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors!
Please join us on Tuesday, November 7 @ 9:15am in our gymnasium as we remember.